Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Commercial and Corporation Law Administration Corporation
Question: Depict about the Commercial and Corporation Law for Administration Corporation. Answer: By and large it is seen, that capacity of the executives of a company is to oversee the organization of the business to serve the individuals from the enterprise. Essentially, they are the operators who are working for their investors. The position to administer the business is given to the executives by the companys constitution, articles or by-laws. Executives owe various obligations and commitments. The obligations may shift from various purviews in which the parent organization has its auxiliary, for example, (Paolini, 2014): Commitment to act in an honest way: The commitment to act honestly implies that the Board of Directors should settle on choices for the satisfaction of the enthusiasm of the enterprise and which is as it should be. In this way they should: Not utilize their position and ought not get individual advantages satisfied Not utilize the data of the enterprise for individual advantage or in a destructive way Uncover all the contentions of the Company and furthermore ought to stay away from them (Heller, 2014). The Corporations Act permits a companys constitution to incorporate an arrangement to help with auxiliary executive duties(S 187). It expresses that the administrators of an auxiliary company should act to serve best advantages to the enterprise when: The association of the organization explicitly makes an arrangement for the chief to make a move in the best government assistance of the Parent Corporation, Executive acts honestly, and so forth. Commitment to apply capacity and psyche: It requires every executive to take concern and be pragmatic in playing out their activity. Chiefs must: Act perseveringly and with sensible aptitude and care Play out their job as well as could be expected dependent on their Knowledge and experience Acclimate themselves with the organization and its exercises, and Screen the companys budgetary and business Performance (Marshall and Ramsay, 2012). Executives are relied upon to play out their job with a measure of watchfulness that a reasonable individual in a comparable spot would Exercise in comparative conditions. This will rely upon the Size and exercises of the organization. Chiefs must comprehend the organization and its exercises and effectively screen its presentation (Heller, 2014). Commitment not to do exchange when wiped out: The obligation not to exchange while wiped out is a particular Requirement which is normally delegated a subset of the duty to work out concern and ability, since it expects executives to turn their psyches apply their aptitudes to surveying the money related spot of the auxiliary. An enterprise is viewed as bankrupt on the off chance that it neglects to pay its unpaid aggregate, when they fall unpaid. In the event that an organization gets wiped out and Continues to exchange, the chiefs can be held by and by obligated for obligations acquired. To secure themselves, and meet their Obligations, chiefs ought to fulfill themselves consistently, when the business is fit to repay its whole unpaid as they fall due. This is normally direct for holding organizations that don't exchange, however for exchanging organizations it requires steady checking (Heller, 2014). In Australia, executives are compulsory to say something that the business is dissolvable at any rate once every year. Executives ought not make a dissolvability presentation until they have made appropriate requests and fulfilled themselves that the organization is in reality dissolvable. The organization must keep adequate money related record to record it accurately, explain associations and execution. The Director might be in break of his obligations on the off chance that he neglects to make all the significant strides for the satisfaction. On account of (In Liq) v McGee (1993) 11 ACSR 260 for every Anderson J (at 289) it has been maintained that there are a few circumstances where a supervisor is in the spot of certain power and control. The force incorporates the basic disclosure of any conflict among the consideration and obligation which cease from arrangement. This is deficient to persuade an administrators duty. The supervisor may likewise be under a valuable commitment to find a way to safeguard the partnerships concern, for example, by utilizing such position and weight as he needed to prevent the arrangement from leaving. Installment of Dividends rests inside the sound judiciousness and friends assessment of the Board. Investors of the organization reserve no option to profits regardless of whether adequate accounts are accessible inside the organization (Elliott, 2016). There are a few obligations of the executives in regards to the installment of profits. They have the power to express that profits are uncommon to the board and should be practiced by the Board as unblemished. An announcement of profit fundamentally requires the board to take on a statement approving the cost of profit. When the profits have been pronounced in a legitimate way to its individuals at that point, the board may not drop it or keep down the allotment of the said profit without the assent of each such investor. So as to decide the privilege of investors to get the installment of profits, the directorate may fix a date of record. In doing as such, the board declares that the installment of profits will be made on the date determined for installment to all the investors who are recorded on the organizations books. The investors of the company might be recorded in the books as proprietors as of the end of business on the date of record. In the event that the board neglects to make reference to explicitly the date of record, at that point the code fixes the date of such assurance (Heller, 2014). Profits must be affirmed by the companys executives, who are liable for guaranteeing that the organization can deliver the profit. Prior to endorsing a profit, chiefs should audit the companys accounting report and incomes and fulfill themselves that (Keay, 2007). The companies resources have expanded its liabilities Just and reasonable cost of profits The entirety of the profit would not altogether prejudiced for the capacity of the company to take care of its loan bosses (Government Institute of Australia, 2014). According to the instance of Sumiseki Materials Co Ltd v Wambo Coal Pty Ltd [2014] NSWSCA 326 it was held that it is the privileges of the investors to be given set and mandatory profits from the income of the enterprise in circumstances where the companys constitution has been altered to represent such. This is not the same as the conventional methodology where an investors desire for accepting a profit is constrained by the desire of the governing body (HopgoodGanim, 2014). The installment of profits is an issue of significant worry to the chiefs. The way wherein the bookkeeping guidelines are as of now creating implies that it is feasible for the organization to have a revealed benefit which is low yet at the same time have critical accessible money from which the profits can be paid. This can prompt a noteworthy force of revealed salary, despite the fact that the value of the impalpable resource and consequently the supplanting market estimation of the organization has both improved. Under these circumstances, the present profit decides imply that an organization can just make a dissemination to investors by looking for court endorsement for an arrival of capital (Odorisio, Davies and Clements, 2015). Investors of the organization are qualified for certain rights under the Act. According to Section 232 of the Act it has been plainly expressed that, Minority investors are furnished with some strengthening benefits and cures in view of their obvious presentation. (Tomasic, Bottomley, and McQueen,2002). The extra rights which are being given to the individuals from the organization incorporate the rights to confirm a penetrate done by the Directors of the organization (Janssen, 2016). Endorsement has the impact of pardoning a penetrate done by the companys official however it thinks about the worry of the lenders of the organization (Australian Institute of Company Directors, 2013). There are various cures which are given to the individuals from the organization under the Corporations Act (Hannigan, 2012). Cures include: Mistreatment Remedy: Section 232 of the Act expresses that this cure is intended to give the minority investors with a cure which is enforceable against the company for the direct that may have been biased to the enthusiasm of the minority investors (Boyle, 2002). There are sure circumstances which offers ascend to the severe lead (Brockett, 2012). The circumstances include: Legit winning states of the case; Allegation of foul play because of Substantial conduct; Conduct of the individuals from the enterprise; Power of the associated take a shot at the enthusiasm with minority investors (Victorian Law Reform Commission, 2016). In the comparative instance of Foss v Harbottle, it was held that there was misappropriation of benefits of the business subsequently the executives need to redress. Area 233 depicts the kinds of cures which are accessible to the defendants and are broad, for example, Directive; The legal order, s 1324 a limitation is one of the transitory cure required by ASIC or a fake part if a business activity penetrate the law. Lead that can trigger this is: Any penetrate of the Corporations Act Helping and abetting the encroachment Recommending another to dismiss Engaged with a negation or Conspiring with others in a repudiation. Wrapping up Order; Winding up the organization, s Court can arrange ending up by numerous ways. For instance: The partnership has settled by goals to twist up. The business doesn't start exchange inside one year of its enrollment. Administrators ought not act in the prosperity of the individuals as entirety. The dealings of the company have been led harshly, through a demonstration or exclusion. The organization is bankrupt and it is in light of a legitimate concern for people in general, individuals or loan bosses that it ought to be twisted up. Change of companys constitution and directives. On account of Cumberland Holdings Ltd v Washington H Soul Pattinson Co Ltd (1977) 13 ALR 561
Saturday, August 22, 2020
ION Transport in Higher Plants-Free-Samples -Myassignmenthelp.com
Question: Talk about the ION Transport in Higher Plants. Answer: Presentation The common habitat has numerous reasons for saltiness. Higher plants suffer saltiness, at the coastlines and estuaries where the salt water and new water meet. Besides, water is moved from the dirt by means of interpretation and dissipation hence prompting centralization of salts in the dirt. The saltiness influences cells of higher plants (Zeigar Lincoln, 2009). The writing survey analyzes the guideline of sodium, chloride and potassium transport in higher plants. Moreover, it delineates utilization of Goldmans condition to figure various particle fixations or E esteems. Notwithstanding that, it clarifies the job of chemiosmosis hypothesis, ABC transporters, potassium channels, H+ ATP ases and the electrogenic particle siphons in particle transport. Saline soils have a higher grouping of sodium, chloride, potassium particles. High grouping of saline soils harms plants and debases the structure of soils along these lines diminishing the porousness of water and soil porosity (William, 2014). Invasion of salts into the dirt causes deficiencies of water in leaves and forestalls digestion and development of plants. Besides, high centralizations of sodium and chloride particles denature proteins and destabilize layers (Dietrich, Kusker Beker , 2010) Guideline of potassium transport in plants. Potassium is a fundamental micronutrient in higher plants. It assumes a significant job in plant physiological procedures, for example, plant development and improvement. The centralization of potassium particles in plants is commonly low and it is ever fluctuating. Plants see the outer changes in K+ particles and produce physical and synthetic signals in the phone. The signs can be moved over the plasma film into the cytosol. Subsequently, this directs downstream targets particularly the K+ transporters and channels. Thusly, homeostasis because of potassium particles in the plant cells is regulated henceforth encouraging the adjustment of plants to K+ inadequate conditions (Eduardo et al., 2014). Guideline of sodium and chloride particles in plants. Each plant takes up sodium particles from nature when presented to saltiness conditions; sodium is disseminated inside the cells, tissues, and organs once it is in the symplast. It can bring down the water capability of the phones once it is in the symplast. Notwithstanding, it can likewise represent some poisonous impacts to the cells (Frans Maathus, 2014). In this manner, the guideline of sodium particles is imperative to the plant (Swarrendo Usha, 2016). A few administrative systems have been created relying upon the motioning of calcium particles, cyclic nucleotides, hormones, receptive oxygen species, or the transcriptional and post translational changes in the quality and articulation of proteins (Bob, Wilhelm Russel, 2015). The components of sodium particle transport in higher plants are comparative. Na+ gain passage into the cell through a few channels inside the plasma layer. As the sodium particles inside the cytoplasm get to poisonous levels over the edge level, it is constrained through the Na+/H+ antiports in the plasma layer, which are invigorated by proton slopes. Moreover, Na+ in the cytoplasm can be compartmentalized by antiports in vacuolar Na+/H+. The transporters use vitality gave by the proton slope, it is made by H+ - PPiase and the vacuolar H+ ATP ase. This is the guideline of sodium particles by the higher plants (Rusells, Helen Howard, 2012). Utilization of Goldmans condition to ascertain numerous particle fixations or E esteems. The Goldmans condition is utilized in plant physiology to decide the capability of a layer when there is no progression of particles starting with one side of the film then onto the next. The condition is named after Alan Lloyd, Bernard Kartz, and David Goldman of Columbia University (Verma, 2009). Coming up next is the Goldmans condition for monovalent particles. The Goldmans condition decides the resting capability of the film. Vmis the film potential. The fundamental supporters of the film potential are K+, Na+, and Cl-particles. The Vm is estimated in Volts. At the point when the particle channels are shut, the relative porousness is zero. For example, if K+ channels are shut, PK= 0 (Verma, 2009). The all inclusive gas consistent is spoken to by letter R. The steady is typically (8.314 J.K-1.mol-1).The temperature is spoken to by letter T. The SI unit for temperature is Kelvin. The Faradays consistent is spoken to by letter F, the steady is (96485 C.mol-1). The potassium particles porousness esteem for the layer is meant as pK. Be that as it may, penetrability esteems come up short on a unit. Additionally, the penetrability esteem for potassium particles has a reference estimation of 1, on the grounds that in most living cells the porousness esteem for potassium is higher that of sodium and chloride particles (Verma, 2009). The relative film penetrability esteem for sodium particles is indicated by pNa. The relative film penetrability esteem for chloride particles is signified by pCl. The grouping of potassium particles in extracellular liquids is indicated as [K+]o. The convergence of potassium particles in intracellular liquid is signified by [K+]i.The grouping of sodium particles in extracellular liquids is indicated by [Na+]o. The centralization of sodium particles in intracellular liquids is meant by [Na+]i.The grouping of chloride particles in extracellular liquid is signified by [Cl-]o. At long last, the centralization of chloride particles in intracellular liquid is signified by [Cl-]I (Verma, 2009). The Gold keeps an eye on condition figures the film potential got through relative penetrability esteems and focus slope estimations of the particles. Moreover, open channels should be accessible. The extent of penetrability for a specific particle can be physiologically controlled and this decides the commitment of that particle to the film potential. Translocation of a particle down the electrochemical inclination results into the development of the film potential to its harmony potential. Along these lines, the bigger the penetrability of a specific particle results into a huge commitment of the particle of the film potential (Conde, Manuela, Geros, 2011). Chemiosmosis hypothesis Chemiosmosis is the development of particles over a semi penetrable film by means of dissemination Ions moved incorporate, Cl-or Na +. Development of particles in chemiosmosis happens down an electrochemical potential inclination (potential vitality). Chemiosmosis is a kind of dissemination, in this manner, development of particles over a film happens from an area of high particle focus to a locale of low particle fixation (Hanson, 2007). Elements of chemiosmosis Chemiosmosis is significant in the creation of adenosine triphosphate (ATP). ATP is the fundamental atom utilized in the creation of vitality in the cell.ATP is delivered by means of cell breath in eukaryotic mitochondria. NADH atoms and FADH2 are first gotten from the citrus extract cycle; electrons are then moved to an electron transport channel that discharges vitality. The vitality discharged takes into account the development of protons (H+) down a protein angle through chemiosmosis (Walter, 2010). Thusly, the compound ATP synthase produces ATP. Proton stream down the focus slope turns the ATP synthase rotor and state hence making it workable for a phosphate gathering to interface up with adenosine diphosphate (ADP).Therefore, ADP is shaped. ATP creation during breath is known as oxidative phosphorylation.ATP is at last made through phosphorylation of ADP by means of glucose (Walter, 2010). Vigorous breath Chemiosmosis assumes an indispensable job in ATP creation; the procedure empowers living life forms to deliver their vitality. Dr. Dwindle D. Michelin first planned the possibility of ATP combination by means of chemiosmosis in 1961. Michelin was granted a Nobel Peace Prize because of the commitments to Chemistry in 1976 (Heldt Bridgit, 2010). Case of chemiosmosis It is associated with transport of H+ particles over the phone film during ATP creation. The most widely recognized kind of chemiosmosis is creation of ATP in cell breath. Eukaryotic living beings have a mitochondria. In any case, microscopic organisms and archaea need mitochondria, they additionally produce ATP during chemiosmosis by means of phosphorylation. The procedure has an electron transport chain. Be that as it may, it happens over the inward layer of the microorganisms, since they need mitochondria. Plants are engaged with chemiosmosis by means of the creation of ATP during photosynthesis (Caroline, Martin Alyson 2008). ABC Transporters They comprise of a few subunits partitioned into transmembrane proteins and ATP ases. ATPase subunits use ATP vitality acquired from hydrolysis. Moreover, they give vitality utilized in the take-up or retake of substrates across films (Cornelia Alexis, 2017) ABC transporters have a place with the ABC super family relying upon association and succession of their ATP restricting tape areas. It tends to be noticed that basic film proteins may have developed a few times all alone; subsequently, they have diverse protein families.ABC take-up doormen transport a wide assortment of biosynthetic forerunners, supplements, nutrients and follow metals while exporters transport sterols, lipids, drugs and a wide assortment of metabolites (Cornelia Alexis, 2017) Elements of ABC transporters ABC transporters use ATP vitality from hydrolysis. They are separated into three practical classifications; merchants consider the vehicle of supplements, for example, amino acids, particles, peptide sugars, and other hydrophilic atoms into the cells. Eukaryotes come up short on the merchants .Exporters go about as siphons that expel poisons from the cell. Exporters transport lipids and different polysaccharides from cytoplasm to periplasm in Gram-negative microscopic organisms. The other gathering of ABC transporters is associated with the fix procedure of DNA and interpretation (Birgt, 2011). Plant ABC transporters ABC transporters are classified into 13 subfamilies relying upon their sizes, the general amino corrosive grouping, and direction. The biggest subfamily is the P-glycoproteins that has 22 individuals. ABC t
Wednesday, July 29, 2020
How Couples Counseling Can Help With Addiction Issues
How Couples Counseling Can Help With Addiction Issues Addiction Coping and Recovery Methods and Support Print How Couples Counseling Can Help With Addiction Issues By Elizabeth Hartney, BSc., MSc., MA, PhD Elizabeth Hartney, BSc, MSc, MA, PhD is a psychologist, professor, and Director of the Centre for Health Leadership and Research at Royal Roads University, Canada. Learn about our editorial policy Elizabeth Hartney, BSc., MSc., MA, PhD Medically reviewed by Medically reviewed by Steven Gans, MD on August 22, 2016 Steven Gans, MD is board-certified in psychiatry and is an active supervisor, teacher, and mentor at Massachusetts General Hospital. Learn about our Medical Review Board Steven Gans, MD Updated on August 10, 2019 Couples counseling can improve relationships and addiction problems. Ned Frisk/Getty Images More in Addiction Coping and Recovery Methods and Support Overcoming Addiction Personal Stories Alcohol Use Addictive Behaviors Drug Use Nicotine Use Couples counseling is a type of therapy in which both partners attend counseling with the same counselor, at the same time. The intention of couples counseling is to resolve problems in the relationship, which can sometimes include an addiction or substance use problem which one or both partners have. Couples counseling can be used for other issues as well and is particularly helpful when couples are experiencing conflict or are thinking about separating. The therapy is designed to improve the relationship, even if the couple still decides to separate or divorce. What Is Involved in Couples Counseling? This type of treatment involves both partners in an intimate relationship forming a therapeutic relationship with a trained counselor, during sessions of about an hour, that they attend together, usually about once a week for several months. Initially, it will involve the couple making an appointment to meet the counselor to talk about what brought them to treatment, what their hopes and goals are for therapy, and to decide whether both partners and the counselor, want to continue to work together on therapy. If they do, the counselor will help the couple to identify goals for future sessions. Both partners will have the opportunity to communicate their point of view, and the counselor will provide feedback, and sometimes homework for the couple to complete between sessions. This might be practicing a particular type of communication or taking or resisting certain actions that have been the source of difficulties. What If We Dont Like the Therapist? Sometimes, one or both partners decide not to go ahead with couple counseling. There can be several different reasons for this. Sometimes, the differences in background or worldview between the counselor and the couple may be too big for the couple to feel that they are really being understood by the counselor. At other times, one partner may like the counselor, while the other may feel less enthusiastic. While couples counseling can be effective even if there is an imbalance in motivation between the two partners, if one person feels blamed, and is cast in the role of bad partner, couples counseling may feel more like a punishment to them than a treatment, and making it hard to get any benefit from the process. Sometimes, a counselor may decide not to go ahead with providing counseling to a specific couple. If one partner or both partners are being abusive and the couple does not appear to see this as a problem, a counselor may feel they will make little progress. Similarly, if one or both partners have serious addiction issues that they are continuing to deny or minimize, the counselor may feel they are fighting a losing battle. As it is very important that the couple and therapist work together on addressing the problems in the relationship, the process of finding a therapist that is the right fit for the couple should be respected. It does not mean that the couple cant still be successful with another counselor, perhaps at a different time. How It Helps Addiction Relationship difficulties often underlie addiction issues â" even if the relationship problems related to the addiction go back to childhood, they can continue to play out in adult romantic relationships. Similarly, addiction problems always affect the quality of a relationship. Counseling can help both partners become aware of these relationship patterns, and can learn new ways of communicating and behaving that support each other to live without addictions. Couples counseling is often an important part of effective treatment for addictions, although not all treatment programs offer couples counseling. Typically, you can get couples counseling outside of your addictions treatment program, although it is a good idea to let your addiction counselor know so that the two therapists can collaborate to work on complementary goals. The focus of couples counseling is on improving the quality of the relationship for both partners. Couples counseling looks at issues like communication, honesty, shared responsibilities, commitment, and mutual support. Problems such as abuse will also be addressed. Find Support With the Best Online Marriage Counseling Programs Many types of partnership can benefit from couples counseling, including married couples, couples preparing for marriage, cohabiting couples, dating couples, separated couples, and couples preparing for a divorce. Although originally developed as marital therapy, couples counseling now equally recognizes and works with unmarried couples, as well as lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender couples.
Friday, May 22, 2020
Commonalities in Religions - 550 Words
The pre-Columbian religions found outside of Eurasia were wildly diverse, but they nearly always emphasized a few basic beliefs. Perhaps this was because they stemmed from a similar progenitor religion in the distant past, perhaps they picked up on some basic part of the human psyche. While there were many differences in the intricacies of the religions of Polynesia, the Andes, and Mesoamerica, they all shared a polytheistic faith, a belief that gods are derived from nature, and a belief that sacrifice was needed to maintain the natural order of the world. In polynesia, the dominant pre-columbian religion was animismââ¬âthe belief that all things have some sort of spiritual power. In Polynesia, this power was called mana (Encyclopedia Britannica). Polynesians believed that this spiritual power, this mana, could be negated by human actions. As a result of this, many tapu (brought into English as taboo) were set up in order to prevent humans from upsetting the natural order of the world. As with their neighbors in Mesoamerica, the polynesians believed in a form of human sacrifice to right the unbalance in the mana of a person or a thing. This was especially clear when someone walked over the shadow of a chief or a noble. It was thought that this would damage the mana of the person and only the death of the offender would correct this unbalance. Like most cultures, the Polynesians had many gods which would personify some part of nature and who would be deeplyShow MoreRelatedThe Three Abrahamic Religions And Islam994 Words à |à 4 PagesThe Three Abrahamic Religions ââ¬â Incongruity despite common Foundation Christianity evolved from Judaism, and Islam evolved from ââ¬â mainly Syrian ââ¬â Christianity. Naturally the three religions share a lot of common elements, but also many differences. 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Saturday, May 9, 2020
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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Security Chief at a Manufacturing Company Free Essays
Youââ¬â¢re the security chief at a manufacturing company that makes small metal hand tools. The plant employs roughly one hundred people. Management has told you that many tools have disappeared. We will write a custom essay sample on Security Chief at a Manufacturing Company or any similar topic only for you Order Now According to company records, the plant produces approximately fifty thousand per day, but far fewer are actually being shipped out. After double-checking the figures to ensure their accuracy, you have concluded that pilferage is the only possible explanation. A meal detector positioned at the employee exit near the time clock would catch anyone trying to smuggle tools out of the factory. Because the purchase cost of a metal detector is prohibited, you have decided to rent one. Anyone caught stealing will immediately be fired, and a note to that effect will become part of the individualââ¬â¢s personnel file. You donââ¬â¢t want to create an atmosphere of hostility, but you do need to inform the employees about these developments. Write a memo to be posted on the main bulletin board and sent via e-mail. Dear Employees, Due to recent record inconsistencies, the manufacturing company will be reviewing supply and product expenses. Recently brought to our attention is the shortage of production inventory leaving our warehouse plant. Significant security protocols will be implemented as precautions to help reduce cost wherever possible. We ask all employees to keep an open eye for suspicious behavior. Employees caught taking company supplies for personal use, would be grounds for immediate termination and appropriate legal disciplinary actions. Any incident will be reviewed, recorded, and filed for future reference. We thank you for being a part of our company. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns please contact management. Respectfully, -MD How to cite Security Chief at a Manufacturing Company, Essay examples
Wednesday, April 29, 2020
Staples and Cofer Essay Example
Staples and Cofer Paper Different Ethnicities Same Problems When Americans meet someone new they are already sticking that person into some sort of category because of their appearance. If someone looks different than Americans are use to, they automatically stick some sort of stereotype to them. Stereotypes are strongly displayed in the media; stereotype can be based of someones color, culture, religion, or sex. In Black men in public spaces by Brent Staples, and in The Myth of the Latin Woman: I Just Met a Girl Named Maria by Judith Ortiz Cofer, the authors talk about stereotypes based on their gender and ethnicity nd the experiences they both encounter because of their ethnicity and gender which have many similarities and differences. Stereotypes can lead to hatred and discrimination against other groups. The problem with stereotyping is it is identifying an individual based on a group a person belongs to, which is not right because each individual is their own person. Stereotypes can be true, and are sometimes false that is why a person should only be Judged by who he/she is, each person is unique in his/her own way. Cofer addresses the stereotypes of Latin women, while Brent Staples points out the social views of African American men by both displaying the stereotypes stuck to them, how the grew up, and encounters with strangers to reveal the similarities and differences they face concerning ethnicity. No matter what ethnicity a person is, it seems as if everyone has to face being Judged based on his/ her ethnicity and getting some kind of stereotype stuck to them. We will write a custom essay sample on Staples and Cofer specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Staples and Cofer specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Staples and Cofer specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Both Staples and Cofer had to experience being stereotyped, but the way the handle the situation had some similarities. For staples him being an African American man he had to face being Judged by many people and being seen as a criminal. He expresses the feeling of rage because he was always being perceived as a criminal. He describes how many people, no matter what color, reacted when he walks by. He even noticed people lock their car doors as he walks past them, how they cross the street to avoid him, and how some women clutch onto their purses when they walk by him. Mr. Staples understands the fear as well as the real danger that everyone faces everyday however, he still feels alienated about constantly be perceived as a criminal because he was African American and a male. Cofer also goes through life feeling alienated, he notices how she dresses is different from what Americans are used to so she gets singled out from the group and harassed. Growing up Staples had to deal with seeing gangs killing others, people getting locked away, and seeing young friends and family members being buried. Staples 61) While Cofer grew up with strict parents and constantly being told how to act and dress. (Cofer 1 54) Both Cofer and Staples had to deal with having issues to fit it. Staples was a good boy and stood out for that reason he did not participate in the violence and gangs. He knew he did not want to o down the same paths as his friends did which was odd to the people where he group up at. , while Cofer also struggled with not fitting in because she was of different ethnicity and did not dress like the others. They both had went through being Judged growing up because of them being different. Where Staples grew up it people did, and for Cofer it was odd to Americans to see her dress like people in her home country. Although both the essays are dealing with stereotypes among a certain group, Staples encounters with people are very different than Cofers. In Cofers essay, the average Latin woman has to deal with others assuming they are ome kind of sex symbol. There is no fear associated with these Latina women because they do not look intimidating but rather sexy or domestic, they are approached with sexual advances or as if they were all house keepers, maids, or waitresses. In Staples case, he was not only Judged by his intimidating appearance, but also feared by all who came across him. As opposed to Cofer, where people are approaching and harassing her. Staples is seen as a threat and is unapproachable to all who come across his large stature. Staples explains how during several instances while walking around at night he would notice how individuals changed their eactions when they saw him. Staples describes how he would hear the sound of car doors being locked when he would cross a street with cars waiting for the traffic light to change (Staples 60). Staples also explains how tense it would get when he would walk down the street at night with other pedestrians around. Although Staples was everything but a mugger, the people he came across at night from fearing him. Staples was clearly seen as some sort of predator while Cofer was seen as the prey who is constantly approached and being harassed with negative and insulting comments. She was stopped and harassed on many occasions by men singing ffensive songs to her. Staples was nothing like a criminal, what most people assumed he was, he was an educated individual who had an intimidating appearance from his height and dark skin color. Staples is mainly Judged for his larger statue, skin color, and gender which comes off to be considered dangerous to people, while Cofer is also Judge on outer appearance which comes off to be domestic or sexy. Brent Staples, because he is black is perceived as a criminal; Judith Cofer is a Latina and is mistaken for a waitress. Both individuals have numerous examples of when they have been done wrong or discriminated against. When Staples was working as a Chicago Journalist, he was rushing into the office and mistaken by the manager as a burglar or criminal. Cofer went through something similar, when she was about to do her first poetry reading, she had been mistaken for waitress by some older women. Staples and Cofer both had Justified reasons to become upset in these situations and every other situation they have encountered, but instead of becoming upset they decide to do something to correct these misconceptions. Staples always considered himself to be in the wrong in these situations, while Cofer made herself the victim. Staples accepts that people are always going to Judge him because he is a African American male, and he feels he should change himself. As Cofer sees it oppositely, she wants the people who that have these misconceptions to change their ways, not only that she wants them to realize why they should change, and to become more knowledgeable when it comes to different cultures. Both authors are different genders so very different stereotypes apply to them in a different way.. Although Cofer and Staples were both of different ethnicity and gender they both faced many of the same issues of ethnicity, though different scenarios. What was different from Staples and Cofer then other individuals knew these stereotypes were wrong so they both wanted to prove so. Both Authors had a purpose to writing these essays, Staples wanted to reveal to society how peoples perception of the Black Male is affecting them, and Cofers purpose was to address the misconception of the stereotypes of Latin women. In the end, some people may agree with Staples and Cofers purpose and feel stereotypes are wrong, but some will not and may still believe them. Stereotypes are not going away today or anytime soon but it is import that people do not add to them.
Friday, March 20, 2020
Ludwig van Beethoven essays
Ludwig van Beethoven essays The film Immortal Beloved shows us the life of Ludwig Van Beethoven one of the greatest or for some people the greatest composer of all times. The movie not only shows us his music but most importantly examines the man there was behind the music. He was a disabled man that protected himself from the not so understanding society of that time, with an edgy personality. The movie focuses on the letters Beethoven wrote. These letters that are still to this day a mystery to whom they were written for. Letters which had no name or address were written to a woman who he referred to as his Immortal beloved, from where the movie gets its name. Probably the biggest flaw the movie had was on making a wild guess to who had the letters be written for. In reality nobody really knows to whom the letters were intended for. But the film points out that Johanna Van Riess(Beethovens sister in law) was the Immortal beloved. Documents show us that there was a total of three letters written to somebody located at K. which most of the people think is Karlsbad although there are many other possibilities as Klosterneuberg and other towns in Czech Republic that can be associated with the letter K. The movie recreates the mysterious love life of the womanizer Ludwig Van Beethoven. As we all know, the film industry main purpose is to entertain its viewers. It would be impossible to recreate in a movie each and every woman that Beethoven was involved with during his life. It would probably be to lengthy to tell in a film. There is always research done when a movie that is based on real life is made, then history is adapted to make the product sellable and that is when fiction appears. Most likely the producer of this film picked these three women among the many that are revealed in history because he thought they were the most important in Beethovens life. And to give the story a surprising ending he picked Johanna Van Riess to be the heroin o ...
Wednesday, March 4, 2020
Eleemosynary, A Full-Length Play by Lee Blessing
Eleemosynary, A Full-Length Play by Lee Blessing It might be best to begin your approach to this play by learning how to pronounce the title and understanding the meaning of this vocabulary word. In this dramatic work by Lee Blessing, three generations of highly intelligent and freethinking women attempt to reconcile years of family dysfunction. Dorothea was a repressed housewife and mother of three sons and a daughter, Artemis (Artie), whom she favored. She discovered that being an eccentric suited her perfectly and spent a lifetime thrusting her wild ideas and beliefs onto an unappreciative and doubting Artemis. Artemis ran away from Dorothea as soon as she could and kept on the move until she married and had a daughter of her own. She named her Barbara, but Dorothea renamed the child Echo and began to teach her everything from Ancient Greek to calculus. What Echo loves most is words and spelling. The title of the show comes from the winning word that Echo spelled correctly at the National Spelling Bee. The play jumps backward and forward in time. As one character relives a memory, the other two play themselves as they were during that time. In one memory, Echo portrays herself as a three-month-old. At the beginning of the play, Dorothea has suffered a stroke and is bedridden and catatonic for several scenes. Throughout the play, however, she takes part in her memories and then transitions back to the present, trapped in her minimally responsive body. The director and actors in Eleemosynary have the challenge of making these memory scenes feel authentic with smooth transitions and blocking. Production Details The production notes for Eleemosynary are specific regarding set and props. The stage needs to be filled with an abundance of books (signifying the sheer brilliance of these women), a pair of homemade wings, and perhaps a real pair of scissors. The rest of the props may be mimed or suggested. Furniture and sets should be as minimal as possible. The notes suggest only a few chairs, platforms, and stools. Lighting should consist ofà ââ¬Å"ever shifting areas of light and darkness.â⬠The minimal set and the stress on lighting serve to assist the characters in moving between memories and the present time, allowing focus to be on their stories. Setting: Various rooms and locales Time: Now and then Cast size: This play can accommodate 3 female actors. Roles Dorothea is a self-acknowledged eccentric. She uses her eccentricity as a means to escape the judgment and pressures of a life she didnââ¬â¢t choose. Her desire was to influence her daughter to embrace her way of life, but when her daughter runs from her, she refocuses her attention on her granddaughter. Artemis has a perfect memory. She can remember anything and everything with total accuracy. She has two desires in life. The first is to research and find out everything she possibly can about this world. The second is to be as far away from her mother (in both body and spirit) as possible. She believes in her heart that she failed Echo and that failure can never be undone, just as she can never forget a single detail of her life. Echo has a mind to equal both her motherââ¬â¢s and grandmotherââ¬â¢s. She is fiercely competitive. She loves her grandmother and wants to love her mother. By the end of the play, she is determined to use her competitive nature to mend her relationship with her elusive mother. She will no longer accept Artemisââ¬â¢s excuses for failing to be a mother to her. Content issues: Abortion, abandonment Resources You can watch a director and some actors discuss and rehearse the play.Theà Dramatist Play Service holds the production rights for Eleemosynary.
Sunday, February 16, 2020
CONSTITUTION & ADMINISTRATIVE LAW Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
CONSTITUTION & ADMINISTRATIVE LAW - Coursework Example He argues that they are indeed acts of necessity, which the government performs in sudden and extreme emergency, especially when it is in the public interest to do so. This essentially contradicts Diceyââ¬â¢s understanding of the royal prerogative. This is so considering that the power of war, which is generally, one of the significant powers of the prerogative, would anyway be an exception. The above differences in argument, therefore, call for reexamination into other theories in order to understand the significance of the royal prerogative2. In Attorney General v DE Keyserââ¬â¢s Royal Hotel Ltd , Lord Parmoor said that a right may be common to the rulers and the subjects; nevertheless, that does not qualifies it to be a prerogative right. Instead, he argued that Royal prerogative means a privilege in the executive that may be of an exclusive and a special character. Similarly, Blackstone concurs that the prerogative covers those actions that no person or institution other than the executive may undertake3. Among prerogatives contemplated in this explanation include the making of treaties and the deployment of armed forces. However, it is observable that the Blackstoneââ¬â¢s argument contradicts the judicial reasoning as to what the prerogative is. To shed more light on this, an examination of the case of R v Criminal Injuries Compensation Board, Ex parte Lain will be of help. In this case, the board that was to investigate and make recommendation on the compensation to victims of violence through ex gratia payments, was appointed by the executive4. The key issue here is that the board was set up by the executive in disregarded the agreement between the Judiciary and the applicant. Clearly the prerogative act was used in doing this, arguably though, giving out money to the victims of violence is not such unique to deserve direct action of the executive. Moreover, Wade an administrative theorist agrees with the arguments of Dicey and Blackstone albeit at
Sunday, February 2, 2020
Sales Planning and Operations Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Sales Planning and Operations - Assignment Example Development of sales strategies in line with corporate objectives These strategies should also take into consideration the need of the sales team to be knowledgeable about how their products or services can satisfactorily solve the customer needs. This reduces time wasting, as the sales team is able to target the right customers, communicate to them the correct message at the right time. In developing of a competitive sale strategy doing an extensive research about your competitors is a prerequisite thing that should be done early in the planning stage. This enables the sales management team to do a strengths, weakness, opportunities and threats matrix for each major competitor leading to a focused and consistent competitive sales strategy (Care & Bohlig, 2008, p220). Then the over all sales strategy will involve planning of the long-term sales goals, analyzing the business sales cycle, and meeting with the sales team about the sales drive and their personal career goals (Reid & Bojanic 2009). After developing the long-term sales strategy, the sale s management team should then develop monthly and weekly sales strategies that support the long- term sales strategy and facilitate evaluation of the short-term performance of the sales people. Importance of recruitment and selection procedures Sales people are crucial pillar in creating and implementing any sales strategy thus their recruitment and selection should be done in a manner that will lead to the right people who can accomplish their sales responsibilities effectively.. Studies have revealed that without proper recruitment and selection of sales personnel, an organization may experience the following problems. First, inadequate sales coverage and lack of customer follow-up; secondly, increased training costs to overcome deficiencies; thirdly, more supervisory problems; more so, higher turnover rates; additionally, difficulty in establishing lasting client relationships; and lastly, suboptimal total sales force performance (Ingram, Laforge & Avila, 2008, p132). Therefore, recruitment and selection should be well executed so that competent and high performing sales personnel are hired. Effective recruitment and selection procedures can be achieved mainly through a process that is fair, considers diversity, meets the company needs and has
Saturday, January 25, 2020
Extraordinary Rendition And Terrorism Criminology Essay
Extraordinary Rendition And Terrorism Criminology Essay What is terrorism? Although it is difficult to come to a universal definition of terrorism, it can be described as warfare involving the use or threat of violence, typically against an influential noncombatant target, with the idea of creating fear in a broad audience (Domestic Terrorism 1). Terrorism emerges when a group of terrorists want to get their message across to a group of people with higher power, usually a government. The goal of the terrorists is to fight for rights, anti-imperialism, or any other cause deemed important by the group (Global Terrorism). The war on terrorism has been going on since the beginning of civilization. Terrorism attacks occur very often throughout the world, usually at least one almost every day. Occasionally the attacks make headlines worldwide. One of the most famous and well-known terrorist attacks took place on September 11, 2001. A terrorist group from the Middle East known as al-Qaeda flew planes into the Twin Tower buildings located in the United States. Many people were killed and it was a devastating day for the United States. To prevent attacks such as this from happening again, the practice of extraordinary rendition was adopted by the United States. Extraordinary rendition can be defined as kidnapping alleged terrorists from their homeland or another country and holding them for questioning in secretive bases located throughout the country (Extraordinary Rendition 1). Although the war on terrorism requires precautions, extraordinary rendition is morally wrong due to the fact that it is not always effective and it involves harsh tactics. Extraordinary rendition has been practiced by the United States C.I.A. for approximately 9 years. Before the September 11th terrorist attack in New York, there were practices used to obtain terrorists. However, these practices were not legalized until after the September 11th attacks. The stated purpose of extraordinary rendition is to obtain terrorists before they launch an attack (Extraordinary Rendition 1). This practice is hard to justify since the government usually does not have solid evidence proving if the suspect is a terrorist prior to taking him hostage. Surprisingly, extraordinary rendition is considered to be legal by the United States government. Ironically, this practice is not governed by any law (Extraordinary Rendition 1). It is believed to be a necessary tactic in the war against terrorism. The practices used by the C.I.A. tend to be very crude, but they are overlooked and considered to be non-torturous (Extraordinary Rendition 1). However, memos were leaked that showed evidence of violent practices used in interrogation (A crack in the wall of secrecy 1). Extraordinary rendition is commonly referred to as simply a precaution and nothing more (Extraordinary Rendition 1). On the other hand, if we take a person hostage and cruelly torture them for information they might not possess, wouldnt that make us terrorists as well? Other countries seem to agree that extraordinary rendition isnt a moral tactic. Throughout the world, it is heavily criticized (Extraordinary Rendition 1). The method of extraordinary rendition combines two illegal practices to make a legal practice. Countries throughout the world believe it is wrong due to the fact that it involves kidnapping and torturing, both crimes that are punishable under federal and international law (Extraordinary Rendition 1). It is double standard that the government is allowed to kidnap and abuse people; if a criminal were to do so, hed be convicted. Harsh tactics are one of the C.I.A.s top ways to obtain information from suspects. Possible terrorists are usually captured by the C.I.A. and either interrogated on United States soil or sent to another country to be questioned (The law: extraordinary rendition and presidential fiat. 8). Although that sounds safe, many of the foreign countries will use the torture method in order to obtain their information. For example, Egypt, Syria and Morocco have been identified as commonly using torture on their victims (Extraordinary Rendition 1). The current estimate number of prisoners is in the hundreds. As if that isnt bad enough, the government did not have warrants to take these prisoners hostage. The government simply believed the prisoners were terrorists, and decided that their hunch is good enough reasoning to arrest them. In addition to assuming people are terrorists, the techniques they use to acquire information are quite horrific. A commonly used tactic is called waterboarding. Waterboarding is when water is inserted into the prisoners lungs, resulting in him fearing the possibility of drowning. It is believed that this would cause him to reveal information he would not under ordinary circumstances. The government considers it to be a perfectly moral and legal practice. For example, Condoleezza Rice, the secretary of state during President George Bushs term, stated that this practice is completely acceptable and that the prisoners are treated with hospitality (Extraordinary rendition and the wages of hypocrisy 1). It is clear that the United States has a slim definition of torture, and the abusing of the supposed terrorists is overlooked. In addition to waterboarding, the C.I.A. also uses the long time standing technique. This entails the prisoner being forced to stand while their hands and feet are shackled. Their feet are then shackled to the floor as well. The person is then left to stand there until they become exhausted of standing and tell the government the information they seek. The C.I.A. states that the exhaustion and sleep deprivation is what makes the victim reveals information. They are so delirious they do not realize they are leaking important secrets. The long time standing practice is said to be one of the most effective in obtaining information from stubborn suspects. Although the techniques can be helpful, extraordinary rendition itself is not always effective. This practice involves taking the alleged terrorist hostage, and then interrogating him, usually with torture if he is not openly willing to reveal information with simple questions. If the prisoner is deemed to be innocent, he is then set free. Many times this occurs, and the government simply states they had the wrong guy. However, what if he really was a terrorist, and was just very good at lying? There is no way to be sure that what the prisoner is revealing is accurate information, and that it is not just a sneaky tactic to stay alive. At the same time, what if the government decides the prisoner is a terrorist when he is truly innocent? On numerous occasions, innocent people are accused of being terrorists or being involved in terrorist activities. For example Benamar Benatta fled his home country of Algeria on September 5th, 2001 because he feared death in his homeland. Benatta then settled in Canada. He was taken captive the night after the September 11th attack in New York City. Without being offered the chance to testify against his capture or being told where he was being taken, the Canadian police drove him over the border and handed him over to the Americans to be questioned. The only reason he was thought to be a terrorist was because he was a Muslim and he had once served in the Algerian military. Nevertheless, this accusation was false. Benatta spent approximately three years in prison where he claims he was tortured. He was finally released on July 20, 2003 and allowed to return to Canada. Although he is now a free man, he says this incident will haunt him for the rest of his life (Bitter anniversary for rendition victim 1). Another saddening example of an innocent person being taken hostage is the story of Binyam Mohamed. He was a 32 year old man of Ethiopian descent who came to the United Kingdom to find refuge. Mohamed was a cleaner who lived in London. He went on a trip to Pakistan and Afghanistan where he was arrested at the Karachi airport. According to sources, Mohamed was believed to be a member of the Taliban. Mohamed claims that he was taken around the world and tortured by officials who thought he was hiding information. Later on, Mohamed was deemed innocent and released from prison. (Bill for settling Guantanamo Bay torture cases could top [pounds sterling]30m 2). Richard Belmar was a British citizen. He converted to Islam in his teenage years and coincidently traveled to Pakistan right before the September 11th incident. He was captured in Pakistan. Later on, Belmar was taken to other places such as Bagram and Guantnamo where he claims he was mistreated by the officials interrogating him. Belmar was eventually released in January of 2005 without charge (Bill for settling Guantanamo Bay torture cases could top [pounds sterling]30m 2). These are just a few cases where an innocent person was misfortunate and accused of being a terrorist; there are many other instances known all around the world. Many of these hostages were only considered to be members of a terrorist group based on their background. Binyam was detained because he was Ethiopian. Belmar was arrested based on his religious background (Bill for settling Guantanamo Bay torture cases could top [pounds sterling]30m 2). Mohamed was accused simply because he was Muslim (Bitter anniversary for rendition victim). Just because someone is of foreign descent and lives in another country does not mean they are there for terroristic reasons. For example, when hikers from the United States were captured in Iran, the United States government thought it was ridiculous and believed they should be set free immediately. What they failed to realize is they tend to do the same thing to any foreigners in the United States that appear suspicious. It is quite racist of the United States to target people from the Middle East as possible terrorist suspects. In the U.S. each year, many of its own native citizens are in cahoots with terro rists all over the world. Why arent these people targeted as well? Is it simply because they were born in the United States? There is not always clear evidence that the suspect is a terrorist. When the government detains someone as a terrorist suspect, it is often within a few days after a terrorist attack. On the other hand, if they are hurrying to find possible suspects, they are probably thinking irrationally. Most likely they do not even perform a thorough background check on the suspect. It would take more than a few days to do so, and some of these victims are taken the day after or even the day of an attack. On many occasions, such as the ones above, there is no proof that the captive is a terrorist (Bill for settling Guntanamo Bay torture cases could top [pounds sterling]30m 2). If this is the case, they are set free, usually after being pointlessly tortured. To sum it all up, extraordinary rendition is not a dependable technique to obtain information from suspects. It seems to have more negative consequences than good. Although it is a smart idea to try and prevent terrorist attacks from occurring, perhaps the government should think more rationally. Before detaining someone, a thorough and complete background check is needed. There also must be solid evidence and good reasoning to justify taking a person hostage. Furthermore, something must be done about the harsh interrogation techniques. We cannot keep overlooking them as necessary in the war against terrorism. These techniques may be helpful, but there are more humane and equally effective ways to obtain information. For example, instead of controlled drowning, officials could try calmly reasoning with the suspects. Although it seems as if this would not be effective, it has been proven to work in ordinary criminal investigations. Harming a suspect may make them refrain from telling any helpful information they might possess. Doing so might also provoke hatred for the United States. Benamar Benatta, a man who did not show hatred for the United States prior to his detainment, appeared to feel bitter resentment towards the U.S. after his three year captivity (Bitter anniversary for rendition victim 1-2). Even if an innocent suspect wasnt previously involved in any terrorist attacks, it might compel him to begin getting involved to get his re venge. All in all, by using this technique the United States may be furthering their susceptibility of being attacked. Therefore, this proves that the practice of extraordinary rendition is insufficient, seeing as it may actually worsen the chances of terrorist attacks occurring instead of reducing them.
Friday, January 17, 2020
My Neighbour Totoro [Film History Essay] Essay
My Neighbor Totoro ( , Tonari no Totoro) is a Japanese animated fantasy film written and directed by Hayao Miyazaki and produced by Studio Ghibli. Two young girls, Satsuki and her younger sister Mei, move into a house in the country with their father to be closer to their hospitalized mother who is recovering from an illness. Satsuki and Mei discover that the nearby forest is inhabited by magical creatures called Totoros (pronounced toe-toe-ro). The Totoros appear in different sizes, one is small and white, the next one slightly bigger and blue coloured, the biggest one being grey in colour; which features on the movieââ¬â¢s cover being the most well known. They have been described by critics as ââ¬Å"giant chubby ferretsâ⬠but there isnââ¬â¢t really any completely apt description to describe a Totoro, for they are made-up creatures. Satsuki and Mei soon befriend these Totoros, and have several magical adventures. When trouble occurs, their new friends will help them rediscover hope and help when dealing with their motherââ¬â¢s sickness and settling into a new home. The voice acting cast consists of 3 different voices for each version of ââ¬Å"My Neighbour Totoroâ⬠that was released. There was the original japanese version, the Streamline English dubbed version, then finally an english dubbed version by Disney. The original japanese voice actors were Noriko Hidaka as ââ¬Å"Satsukiâ⬠, Chika Sakamoto as ââ¬Å"Meiâ⬠, Shigesato Itoi as the ââ¬Å"fatherâ⬠, Sumi Shimamoto as the ââ¬Å"motherâ⬠, Tanie Kitabayashi as ââ¬Å"Grannyâ⬠, Toshiyuki Amagasa as ââ¬Å"Kantaâ⬠, Naoki Tatsuta as the ââ¬Å"catbusâ⬠, and Hitoshi Takagi as the grey Totoro. The film is set in rural post-war Japan, made in 1988. Some notable anime films made around this time were ââ¬Å"Grave of the Fireflies (1988)â⬠an anti-war movie, as well as ââ¬Å"Akira (1988)â⬠; a cyberpunk anime movie, based in ââ¬Å"Neo-Tokyoâ⬠, a booming, industrial city with the ambiance of a society on the edge of collapse. ââ¬Å"My Neighbour Totoroâ⬠is a rather significant movie because it was so successful and loved by japanese children like ââ¬Å"Winnie the Poohâ⬠is loved by british children and more popular than Mickey Mouse could ever hope to be. This was because of the charismatic simplicity of the Totoros and their somewhat ââ¬Å"cuteâ⬠and ââ¬Å"cuddlyâ⬠appearance. The soundtrack for ââ¬Å"My Neighbour Totoroâ⬠composed by Joe Hisaishi and Azumi Inoue received much high praise and added to the straightforward atmosphere of the film. One of the more popular themes from the soundtrack is ââ¬Å"Path of the Wind ( )â⬠. Totoro has become well known in international pop culture as it was indeed a notable film for its particular genre, later becoming the logo and symbol for Studio Ghibli. The film won the Animage Anime Grand Prix prize and the Mainichi Film Award for Best Film in 1988, as well as numerous other awards. My Neighbor Totoro ranked #41 in Empire magazines ââ¬Å"The 100 Best Films Of World Cinemaâ⬠in 2010. Although the target audience for ââ¬Å"My Neighbour Totoroâ⬠is aimed at children, this 90 minute movie is bound to appeal to to anyone, even if theyââ¬â¢re not an anime fan. Dearly loved and critically regarded worldwide, the magical My Neighbor Totoro is a heart-warming tale of innocence and the power of belief that will delight viewers of all ages. The story is uncomplicated and easy to watch, and the undeniable charm of the characters also adds to the realistic atmosphere of this Studio Ghibli movie. Despite its release date, the animation is solid, just like the fitting soundtrack. My Neighbor Totoro is an anime that gained mainstreamed recognition and popularity for good reason.
Thursday, January 9, 2020
What Is Servant Leadership A Style Of Leadership...
What is servant leadership? Servant leadership is a style of leadership practices first outlined by Robert K. Greenleaf in 1970. The style of leadership is different than the other styles of leadership in that the focus of servant leadership is to empower others to make change alongside of the leader. Servant leaders believe in the change being made and work with others to make change happen, instead of simply dictating what needs to be done and how it should be done. Additionally, servant leadership also focuses on the growth and well-being of those serving and those being served. Greenleaf described servant leadership as the following: ââ¬Å"The Servant-Leader is servant firstâ⬠¦ it begins with a natural feeling that one wants to serve first (Greenleaf Center).â⬠This is different than those who are leaders first, in that a leader first is more driven by power. The principle of servant leadership, beginning with people with care and compassion, allows a strong community to build. This communi ty could take the form of a company, a classroom or a geographic community. Tenants of Servant Leadership Servant leaders seek to serve first. What does this actually mean? Many have synthesized the writings of Greenleaf on the topic, and have synthesized the concept of servant leadership into ten characteristics. Call them pillars or tenants if you like, these ten qualities are seen as necessary for all servant leaders to embrace and show in the everyday work. The tenShow MoreRelatedSummary Of The Servant As Leader By Robert K. Greenleaf1459 Words à |à 6 Pagesappointment as the Secretary of Veterans Affairs (SECVA) Robert (Bob) McDonald was already well-known for his advocacy and promotion of the concept of ââ¬Å"Servant Leadershipâ⬠a term first coined by Robert K. Greenleaf in 1970. The author first wrote about the concept of Servant Leadership in an essay titled ââ¬Å"The Servant as Leader.â⬠In his essay, Greenleaf recounted his reason for writing the essay, stemmed from the belief that the country was in a leadership crisis and he had a responsibility to attempt toRead MoreValues of Servant Leadership3658 Words à |à 15 Pagesof Servant Leadership Values of Servant Leadership Servant Leadership (DMC 4113) SCD 207/07 Ghana Christian University College 3068 Words October 2010 Values of Servant Leadership 2 Table of Contents Pages 1. Abstractâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦3 2. Leadership and Leadership Styles......â⬠¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦..............4 3. Servant Leadership...............................................................................................................6 4. Values of Servant Leadership...Read MoreRole Of The Nurse As A Servant Leader1790 Words à |à 8 PagesRole of the Nurse as a Servant Leader Nursing is a profession focused on patient care and compassion. What is not apparent to someone that is not in the health care field are the driving forces of good patient care in the leadership structure of a facility or unit. Servant leadership is an ideal style of leadership for the nursing field because it emphasizes nurses serving the patient and empowering them, promotes effective delegation, and improves listening and communication among staff on a unitRead MoreContemporary Issues in Management Accounting211377 Words à |à 846 PagesPress in the UK and in certain other countries Published in the United States by Oxford University Press Inc., New York ß Oxford University Press 2006 The moral rights of the author have been asserted Database right Oxford University Press (maker) First published 2006 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, without the prior permission in wr iting of Oxford University Press, or as expressly permitted
Wednesday, January 1, 2020
Why Birth Control Should Be Free - 1898 Words
Stephanie Valerio Anna Henson Eng 102-007 11 November 2015 Why Birth Control Should Be Free Women have been using birth control methods for over thousands of years. Today, we have various effective birth control methods available to woman. Such as the pill, patch, shot, or IUD. Birth control is a safe way to prevent pregnancy. You can purchase birth control at your doctorââ¬â¢s office, planned parenthood, a clinic, or a public health care provider. They will first discuss your medical history with you, then check your blood pressure and finally you will discuss which birth control method is right for you, and they will send you on your way with your prescription. Birth control can be purchased at your local drugstore and costs up to 50 dollars. In a lot of cases though, young girls and even older women cannot afford or access these types of birth control. There are concerns about being unemployed which results in no income coming in for birth control, lack of health insurance the woman may have and whether or not the woman can afford having a child, even more during an e conomic crisis. By having womenââ¬â¢s birth control free it will not only decrease the chances of abortion, help women financially , help with womenââ¬â¢s menstrual cycle, and also by lowering the teen pregnancy rate, and having them have the power to decide when they want to have children. Many people can argue that the government shouldnââ¬â¢t have to provide another free service and that the costShow MoreRelatedTeenage Pregnancy And Child Birth850 Words à |à 4 PagesTeenage pregnancy and child birth have long been a controversy in the united states. The issue emerged during the 1950ââ¬â¢s and early 1960ââ¬â¢s when teenage childbearing rates reached a historical peak. In the mid 1960ââ¬â¢s birth control was introduces and the teen pregnancy rate dropped by 25 percent however it is still a social issue. Such strife has triggered much political debate. Notably, whether the government should fund programs that encourage abstinence or focus on birth control. Altho ugh abstinence wouldRead MoreThe Benefits Of Free Birth Control980 Words à |à 4 PagesMonica Varona English IV Rhonda Hill 20 July 2017 The Benefits of Free Birth Control Even though birth control is an important part of preventive health care, it can be difficult to attain. The options for a woman who is not covered by a health insurance provider are limited. Their best option is to receive a prescription at a clinic or to purchase forms of birth control at a Planned Parenthood center. Still, these women are left to cover the price of the pill that can range from $35-$200 a monthRead MoreEffects Of Birth Control On Children1677 Words à |à 7 Pagesasked my dad if he was okay with me going on birth control. Naturally he thought the worst, but that had nothing to do with why I wanted it. The reason that most female teens think about birth control is because of premenstrual syndrome -- a condition which causes migraines, cramps, and mood swings. Many people, like my father, disapprove of teens using birth control for moral and/ or religious reasons. Parents do not want their children to have birth control because they often feel that it is inappropria teRead More Birthcontrol and the Work Of Margaret Sanger Essay1607 Words à |à 7 PagesOf Margaret Sanger Works Cited Missing A free race cannot be born and no woman can call herself free who does not own and control her body. No woman can call herself free until she can choose consciously whether she will or will not be a mother(Sanger A 35). Margaret Sanger (1870-1966)said this in one of her many controversial papers. The name of Margaret Sanger and the issue of birth control have virtually become synonymous. Birth control and the work of Sanger have done a great deal toRead MoreProblems with Teen Pregnancy in Oklahoma Essay1032 Words à |à 5 PagesOklahoma has been ranked number two in teen birth rates according to a Tulsa World article. Teen pregnancy has always been a problem in America. More and more teens are becoming pregnant every day. Most of them canââ¬â¢t afford the expenses of birth control. Others do not know how to prevent it. Teen pregnancy can also cause education problems with the teen. Teen moms are not mature enough to handle raising a kid. Many kids who have parents who were young when they had them are more than likely goingRead MoreBirth Control Essay1021 Words à |à 5 PagesShould Birth Control Be Accessible To All? When it comes to birth control, you have many options to choose from and it will be your personal decision. They are a synthetic form of progesterone and estrogen, it is the act of preventing pregnancy. Birth control also reduces abortion. The food and drug administration (FDA) approved of the pill in the 1960ââ¬â¢s and ever since, women have continued to use it. The pill has become the most popular and one of the most effective forms of reversible birth controlRead MoreShould Teenagers Have Access to Birth Control1648 Words à |à 7 PagesBarbara Burton Professor Singh English 111 November 13, 2012 Should Teenagers Have Access to Birth Control? Teenagers are still growing and learning. Sometimes we forget that they are making choices that can affect their whole life. Yes, we are here to teach them and to guide them in making decisions that will help shape their future. Are they going to make mistakes? Are they going to regret some of their choices? Are they going to wish that they had listened to their parents at times that they didnââ¬â¢tRead MoreMargaret Sanger And The Birth Control Movement Highlighted1187 Words à |à 5 PagesMargaret Sanger and the Birth Control Movement highlighted a variety of important issues. These issues include womenââ¬â¢s right to make decisions privately versus the right of a community to regulate moral behavior; the ethnic demographics of the American people; the ability of women to control their own physical destinies by limiting family size; and the idea that small families were the way to keep the American dream alive. The debate over birth control spoke to personal and political iss ues, whichRead MoreAnalysis Of The Right To Ones Body By Margaret Sanger911 Words à |à 4 Pagesas described by biography.com, was ââ¬Å"â⬠¦ an early feminist and womenââ¬â¢s rights activist who coined the term ââ¬Ëbirth controlââ¬â¢ and worked towards its legalizationâ⬠(ââ¬Å"Margaret Sangerâ⬠). Margret was also responsible for the creation of the first planned parenthood center, and later was a founding member of the International Planned Parenthood Federation. Margret most notably belonged to the birth control movement, as she was a nurse working with women who were directly affected by the lack of child care optionsRead MoreFree And Accessible Birth Control1722 Words à |à 7 PagesFree and Accessible Birth Control in the United States A total of 730,322 abortions were reported from the Centers for Disease Control in 2011. This could easily be resolved with proper usage of birth control. But the fact of the matter is that only 62% of women are actually using proper birth control, now this may seem like a lot of women, but there is 158.6 million women in the United States alone so 58.5 million are currently not on any birth control which is a huge amount of women. Birth
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